Uzbekistan Case

July 23, 2018

LIMEIQI Amusement Rides in Indonesia

Congratulations to Zach! His clients from Indonesia gave us some feed backs on LIMEIQI amusement facilities, among them pictures and videos are included, which is helpful for us. 

In August 2017 this group of clients came to LIMEIQI factory for inspection. After all, they didn’t know what and how LIMEIQI is. They had a general knowledge of LIMEIQI amusement rides, team, service and management mode after several says’ investigation. Finally, they placed an order with LIMEIQI and signed a contract with Miss Zhang, the boss of LIMEIQI.

Here is some of  amusement rides installed in his park:

Uzbekistan Case


Uzbekistan Case


Uzbekistan Case


LIMEIQI clients from Uzbekistan

In October 2017 the clients came to Limeiqi factory again for inspecting the amusement equipment. Luckily, we didn’t let them down. They said they were very pleased to cooperate with us! At the end they reminded of us to delivery on time!


According to the clients’ requirement, LIMEIQI sent some experienced technical engineers to Indonesia for installation in March 2018. 

Kids rides: 24 battery trackless train, flying car and ground net bumper car.

Family rides: Luxury Carousel,  Flying Horse and Luxury Pirate Ship and flying UFO.

Thrill rides: Big Pendulum, Top Spin, Energy Storm, Octopus and Gyroscope.
+86 18569926229